Being a hopeless romantic (for extreme lack of better words) I’ve always wanted to be in a movie like those you see with the endings where the subject is depressed at the airport just about ready to board that plane. He’s depressed because he’s just met the goil of his dreams and something may have just blown it all away. Not something like a bomb or a giant warehouse fan (which does a great job at blowing things away when turned on, such as dead bees and dust). I’m talking circumstance or somebody fucking up to the point of making the audience lose all hope and cry.

I guess “Garden State” would be the most recent example. Great film. Even better soundtrack. And hey, all you Imogen Heap fans out there: She existed long before that movie did. I hate those know-it-all meatheads that say “I heard so-and-so first so I’m cooler than you!” But I have to be that person and toot my own horn here; I fell in love with that sexual chocolate voice of hers on Jeff Beck’s “You Had It Coming” CD in 2000 and bought the Frou Frou disc shortly thereafter. So THERE! Geez, this late in the game I reckon you’re probably all becoming Johnny Cash experts now too, huh?

I digress.

So back to the airport thing. Yeah, I want to star in one of those movies. Whatever happens the first 90 minutes will be filler (with a great soundtrack at the very least). My main concern is gonna be what happens at the big dramatic ending. Well.. maybe I’d like to throw in a montage in the middle where happy music is playing and we’re at the mall trying on funny hats and stuff. But other than that, let’s focus on the ending.


I’m at the airport with a duffle bag containing every last thing I own. I’m about to board that plane to nowhere. Enter: some obscure hipster music that will inevitably become overplayed and sold at Target due to this scene. I look scruffy and unkempt, because it’s been a rough night and I’m sad that I’m leaving my one true love behind.

And then it happens: The Girl comes running through the airport, past security, crying with her arms outstretched yelling “WAIT!… WAIT!” One of the security dogs manages to get a hold of her ankle but she rips free and somehow makes it to me. She’s gasping for air and has a desperate look in her eye.

The Audience is waiting with baited breath to see what she says.

She takes a puff from her asthma inhaler and puts it back into her purse and does one of those huge weird sounding coughs. Still huffing a little, she says “I need to give you something.”

I get a nice big Sam Elliott grin on my face and hold her in my arms. “Yes…?”

She reaches in her purse and pulls something small out… “Here you go, it’s a Starbucks gift card. I put $25 on it for you.” She turns around and walks away feeling complete, freeze frame, roll credits.

That would be one kick ass movie ending.