I’ve been a lil’ hooked on the game 20 Questions (the online version) since reading about it on a message board last year. For those of you unfamiliar, long story short, you think of something and it’s supposed to guess what you’re thinking within 20 questions, hence the incredibly clever name of the game. It’s really quite fun – you can play it for free here or go buy a sassy little ball version of it for $15-20 in stores.

Recently, I wondered if 20 Questions was familiar with what a Micycle is. Sadly, it really had no clue. Here’s each question that it asked me followed by my answer:

1. It is classified as Animal.
2. Can it be trained to obey commands? Yes.
3. Does it swim? No.
4. Does it have paws? No.
5. Does it have hooves? No.
6. Does it have a cold nose? Sometimes.
7. Can you see it in a zoo? Sometimes.
8. Is it a type of bird? No.
9. Is it a specific color? Yes.
10. Does it weigh more than 1 ton? No.
11. Is it dangerous? Doubtful.
12. Is it bigger than sofa? No.
13. Does it like to run? Sometimes.
14. Is it very large? No.
15. Does it have a long tail? No.
16. Does it make noise? Yes.
17. I guessed that it was a chimpanzee? Wrong.
18. Does it grunt? Sometimes.
19. I guessed that it was a bonobo? Wrong.
20. I guessed that it was a seal? Wrong.
21. Does it eat seeds? Sometimes.
22. Does it need love? Usually.
23. Have you seen one in real life? Yes.
24. Does it come in many varieties? No.
25. I guessed that it was an orangutan? Wrong.
26. Is it an insect? No.
27. Does it make a good pet?
28. Is it originally from Europe?
29. I guessed that it was a baby?

Q30. I am guessing that it is a pug?

You won!

Okay. Now here’s where it gets interesting. 20Q actually had the nerve to disagree with some of my answers! Dude, I think I know me better than you, you stoopid artificial intelligence. Here’s what 20Q.com told me after I was done handing its ass to it on a silver platter:

Contradictions Detected
The opinions of the AI are its own and are based on the input of people playing. It does not matter if our answers disagree, as over time my answers will change to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that I am in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.

Does it swim? You said No, I say Yes.

Does it have a cold nose? You said Sometimes, I say No.
Can you see it in a zoo? You said Sometimes, I say No.
Is it a specific color? You said Yes, I say No.
Does it eat seeds? You said Sometimes, I say Doubtful.
Does it come in many varieties? You said No, I say Probably.
Does it make a good pet? You said Sometimes, I say No.

Um. Yeah. Nice try, but wrong on all accounts. I eat punkin and sunflower seeds sometimes. I only come in one variety. I go to the zoo sometimes. I never really learned how to swim. 20Q, you don’t know me.

Here’s what it told me next. A list of Similar Objects:

Similar Objects a chimpanzee, a bonobo, an orangutan, a baby, a pug, a kestrel (falcon), a seal, Mickey Mouse (cartoon character), an ape, a celebrity, a boston terrier, a ballerina.

Sure, I guess I’m cool with all of that. And last but not least, when you’re done playing, 20Q challenges your answers one last time:

Uncommon Knowledge about me 20Q thinks these may be wrong
Is it commonly used? I say Probably.
Do you use it in public? I say Probably.
Can it help you find your way? I say Yes.
Is it annoying? I say Probably.
Does it provide protection? I say Yes.
Can it carry people? I say Yes.

Okay, so I guess it may have a few good points there. Anywho, I’m glad to say that I kicked Artificial Intelligence’s ass fair and square. Go ahead and try and call me a chimp or a ballerina, I still won. Sticks and stones, 20Q. Sticks and stones.