Talk radio hosts are funny.

Unless someone else is around that can’t stand it, I listen to talk radio about 99% of the time. I simply can’t stomach the music stations we have here in Minneapolis – they’re like bratty kids: tolerable for about 3 minutes and then the redundancy of it all makes you want to blow your brains out.

This morning on the way to “work”, I was listening to an AM talk radio personality whose name I will withhold out of respect for him ron rosenbaum on kstp because he has his ideas and opinions and I can respect that.

He was all bent out of shape about last night’s AMA (American Music Awards) television program on ABC. I did not catch the show, but aside from the usual crappy artists receiving awards for their crappy music, apparently Anna Nicole Smith presented an award and was completely inebriated (gee, surprise surprise), and Snoop Dogg was shown backstage having a bake sale. The camera panned over the table, which contained cookies, pastries, and last but not least, brownies with a $400 price tag. Get it? $400 brownies = they have pot in them.

The main point the host was trying to make was that stations were refusing to air “Saving Private Ryan” because the word fuck is used extensively throughout the movie. But then they turn around and air things like the AMA where people are half naked, drunk, etc., with little or no concern. I agree with his point – where does the FCC draw the line?

However – he kept mining over the fact that Anna Nicole was “high on some sort of drug or booze” and that Snoop Dogg was selling drugs backstage. He seemed to take that very seriously and was convinced that Snoop was really selling real pot brownies backstage and that everyone there was eating them.

If you think Snoop was really selling pot brownies, I’ve got news for you: Dude – it’s a joke. There’s no Santa Claus either. It’s Hollywood. It’s entertainment. You don’t have to watch it, but you kept on watching it, right? Get up off your arse and change the channel. I personally am much more amused by a drunk bimbo with the brain capacity on a snail presenting an award watching than some stuffy record company executive wipe sweat beads off of his head doing the job. It’s FUNNY. All you’re doing by watching the show and complaining about it is doing these people a favor by giving them ratings and exposure, which I’m all for. If I could be rich by doing ridiculous shit like that rather than working for money and exposure, I’d be right there sucking it up, and I’m sure you would too.

On a closing note, I will plug one of the most insane, brilliant, funny talk radio personalities in the Twin Cities, or anywhere else for that matter: T.D. Mischke. Instead of beating around the bush and delivering nonsense disguised as information, he cuts to the chase and delivers just plain idiotic nonsense. Ahhh – just how I like it!

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