I’m alive and well… Where was I?

Where was I? Where am I? Good questions. Right now it’s 6:54am and I’m sitting in the coffee shop.

It’s been an interesting week… I feel like it’s been a year or two since last Friday. Lots of things become apparent when you take a little time to step back from a big mess and think about stuff.

One would think I’d be pretty miserable right now, and I do have my moments, but I think I’m doing quite fine. All thanks to things like my peeps, ice cream, music, Twinkie shirts, The Incredibles, air hockey, Adrian Legg’s “Mrs. Crowe’s Blue Waltz”, guitars, writing ridiculously long blogs, and cocaine (just kidding on that last one)!

If you’re around me and I’m ever mysteriously quiet, don’t worry. I’m most likely preoccupied because I’m still trying to figure out how to build a working electric guitar out of a Kleenex box, empty paper towel tube, and rubber binders. Either that or I’m still figuring out the whole homemade bomb recipe. The Kleenex guitar is one that’s had me stumped ever since my nephew made me an acoustic prototype back when he was 7 or 8 – still have it! It looks something like this…


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Anyways… Money money money. I quote Marilyn Monroe: “I don’t want to make money. I just want to be wonderful.” Ha ha!! That’s some funny shit.

Thanks again for the help, everyone!

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