Blogger’s spel chack featchure doesnt no the worrd “blog”

Every time I rite a jurnal entrie, I run the blogger spelcheck to catch any words I mispelld. But every time I do this and the word “blog” apeers in my entrie, it sees it as a mispelled word. It sugjests replasing it with words like bluff, blue, blouse, block, etc.

Wierd, dont you think? Blogger scripts ritten for Blogger, the iron horse of online jurnals, doesnt seam to no that the word “blog” exists. THats like asking a persin who doesnt eat any meet if their a vegitarian and then being told “No.. and what kind of word is ‘vegitarian’? I have never herd of such a thing!”

So, as a tribbute too Blogger’s spel check feetchir knot being abil to recignize its own word, Ill skip the spel chek for this entrie and save myself (and blogger’s spel chekc) some extra work and confuzhion.

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