Whose arm is that?!

Take a gander at this picture (courtesy of David Slam @ Area 52 – more pics and a show review located here).

That is me playing my guitar at Iced Ink’s “Boner Voyage, VomitGod and Scara!” show in March. That’s Sara T in the background.. or as I like to call her, “The Jimi Hendrix of the Cowbell”.

Anyways, One thing that caught my attention in this photo other than remembering feeling like I was going to drop dead during that set is the arm that is extended on the middle right hand side of the photo. It appears to be pointing out something. But what?

If you are the person that is attached to that arm, do tell. If anyone has any ideas of what might have been going through the mind of the owner of the arm, feel free to post a response with a caption. My best guess is: “Look – his guitar is actually plugged in!”

This was a phenominal show. It was sad to say goodbye to Iced Ink version 1.0 (2.0 is on its way). Sara and VomitGod were two of the finest musicians I’ve ever had the fortune to play with and will not be forgotten anytime soon. Well.. I give it a few more days. HA HA! Just kidding. As VomitGod has mentioned, I’m sure we’ll be doing some long distance collaboration thanks to the internet. If Tim McGraw and Nelly can do it, anyone can (complete with cheesy music video).

Anyways, good times were had by all. We played some great shows and made some great muzak together over the last few years. Kudos VomitGod, Scara, Berkman, & Big Johnson!

2 thoughts on “Whose arm is that?!”

  1. I think that might be Saltow holding up the horns. But that's an unedumacated guess. Maybe Chia or Jaker? I know those were the silly cats on that side of the stage.


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