Wow, this band I like sucks!

I was listening to the radio in the Pinto and a band came on that made me cringe a little. I thought to myself “Man… this band sure sucks – they sound like a horrendous ripoff of The Breeders..”

I love The Breeders – have been a big fan since “Last Splash”. There’s something about the innocent sloppiness (I mean that in a good way) of their music that really tickles my brain along with the sexual chocolate-ness of Kim Deal’s voice.

So anyways, I continued listening in hopes of finding out who this artist was. I started getting a little miffed at how much they were ripping off Breeders music and how much it sucked. Enter radio announcer: “And that last song was The Breeders…”

Hm. No wonder they sounded so much like The Breeders.. because.. it was.. The Breeders. Makes perfect sense to me.

I went home and dug the song out that I heard on the radio and put it on. Knowing that I was listening to the Breeders, it suddenly made everything I hated about the song okay. Sorry, Breeders – hope you can forgive me.

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