Heaven on Earth

Remember when record stores were cool little independent places where you could go in and completely lose track of time looking at all of the stuff? Remember when there were buttons and pins of your favorite rock bands on large sponge spindles behind glass cases that you spun around via a knob on the top of the case? There happens to be such a place in Bloomington, MN called Disc Land.

If the world ever ends, that’s where I want to be when it happens: surrounded by DVDs, old LPs, novelty tee-shirts, replicas of the KISS Creatures tour shirt my Grandma bought me for my 10th birthday, Atari 2600 games and consoles, and about a million other things I’d waste money on if I had any. That said, if I ever get a job, I need to install an electronic ankle bracelet on my person that would give me an electric jolt should I ever come within 30 feet of the Disc Land premises. I’m not saying that would keep me out of there, but it would make my visits (and therefore spending) much less frequent.

A fellow KISS fanatic/acquaintance of mine named Kyle (who even has the old KISS pinball machine) opened this place a few years ago after leaving a similar business, but I never make it out to that neck of the woods and figured it was another typical CD resale place. Nope. There’s tons of music DVDs I’ve never even heard of including old 70s KISS bootlegs that I always wished were on DVD, posters, candy, magazines, VHS tapes, nearly any gaming system you can imagine, leather studded bracelets and rings that look like they’d do some serious damage if you punched someone while wearing them. There’s tons of used CDs, a shelf of cassette tapes (remember those things?)… the list goes on and on. This is what record stores used to be like in the good old days – you’d walk in and spend the next hour or two digging through racks of shit and usually find a buried treasure. Kiddies, it’s how us old folks would find stuff before the age of Ebay.

There isn’t a website that I know of, but I highly recommend checking the place out if you’re anywhere near Bloomington, MN and have an undying desire like I do to find cool record stores. I couldn’t find a website, but here’s a link with a map of how to get there:

Take me to Disc Land, bitch!

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