Hershey’s announces new dessert/dish soap line

While watching Revenge of the Nerds with Kimb last night, I got up to wash me hands at the kitchen sink and glanced at the bottle of dish soap. It suddenly dawned on me that dish soap bottles are the same as the ones Hershey’s chocolate syrup comes in – not to mention, dish soap has the same thick, viscous consistency that chocolate syrup does.

If you could have seen inside of my head at that moment, you would have seen a mouse running in a wheel with great vigor… next to the mouse wheel would have been a sign that said “IDEA”.

My imagination started running wild and came up with a new invention: a dish soap tough enough to cut through the grease, yet mild enough for sensitive skin, ice cream sundaes, and chocolate milk. It would be chocolate flavored, of course, but specially formulated to have no soapy aftertaste.

This is going to change our lives as we know it. After you have a sundae with this product, you will already be halfway there to washing it, as it will have a thin film of chocolate soap sauce on the inside of the bowl. Alls you have to do is grab a sponge, give it a quick swabbing under running water, and it’s clean as a whistle. No more reaching for that pesky soap bottle!

Since it will be mild enough for hands, it can be used as a hand soap as well – I’m already seeing it in pump form. Does that cheap coffee they brew in the office need a pick-me-up? Is your plain old milk just a little too boring? No problem. Walk up to the sink and pump a few shots of Hershey’s soap/syrup in there and stir gently. Suddenly you’re catering to your tastebuds and conditioning your cup for washing all at one time. If you leave the dirty cup sitting out for too long and the residue dries, no problem. Run it under tap water and watch that dried residue turn into a rich, thick soapy lather.

Man… I need to get a job.

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