Dear Uptown: you have won a year’s supply of Micycle

I am signing my life away this evening in a cool old apartment in Uptown. Now that my karmic debt has recently come full circle by catching me off guard and completely nabbing me in the ass, it’s time to start anew with a clean slate. I get the keys tonight and move number 9 shall commence over the course of the week.

I’ve said it about 6 other times and I’ll be damned if I have to say it one more time in the next 12 months: This is the last time I’m putting this fucking futon together. PERIOD.

Once I’m in and my things are in place, Pad Thai and Newcastle shall flow like an old man after a gallon of prune juice, and you’re invited.

In the interim, now comes the fun part: hitting the Antique Mall and thrift stores for art, furnishings, and doo-dads. And picking out paint colors. And accidentally knocking a hole in my bedroom wall only to discover a secret treasure chest full of gold coins and pearls.

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