Open letter to the chicken-gasm girl

Dear Mac-Donalds “Chick-AWWWWWWWWWnnnn…. awn.” Girl:

I love you, you are my hero. But only under the condition that your soulful outburst of appreciation and enthusiasm for that chicken, a.k.a. “chicken-gasm” was of a genuine, non-scripted nature. Chances are being that it’s a Mac-Donalds commercial, the outburst was pre-meditated in some way shape or form. Alas, you likes your chicken and aren’t afraid to tell the world, and that’s admirable.

I wish you the best and hope that this commercial proves to be a launching pad to bigger and better things. Maybe something like a sitcom, or a Windex commercial.

Best of luck,


p.s. – I make some mean-ass fried chicken if you’re ever in the neighborhood. Far more worthy and deserving of a chicken-gasm than that mechanically pressed and processed Chicken-food you were so hopped up about in the ad. Stay in touch.

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