It’s my brother Chuck’s birfday today – yaaay! (He’s Frensch Flies on me MySpace top 8.)
My brother rules. He plays viola like I like to play geetar. He also does pretty damned good on the recorder, baritone, and the squeeze box if I do say so myself.
He makes very entertaining CDs that you have to hear for yourself.
He played with Trans Siberian Orchestra (in the ‘orchestra’ section) and said one time that when the guitarist went to play his solo that his amp wasn’t on. So guitarist had porno face, but no guitar solo to go with it. THAT is funny. That’s payback to that guy for me having to hear that fucking bah badda bah, bah badda bah, bah badda bah song for 3 months straight during the holidays. I’m glad Chuck was there and told me about that.
We’ve done a lot of smart things together. We used to take his piles of LEGOs and build what we called Torture Towns, comprised of various LEGO sculptures which would either mash or dismember its little LEGO citizens.
We used to open boxes of Jell-O in mom and dad’s pantry and eat the powder (if you’ve never tried and are now contemplating, don’t. The gelatin makes it a little chewy.. at least chase with boiling water if you’re going to try.)
Once we were kind enough to secretly take my dad’s coin collection and cash it in for “real” money. We put it to good use at Walgreen’s buying plastic cans of slime and candy. Oh yes, we did. And oh yes, Dad found out and wasn’t very happy to say the least.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg of the so so many smart things we’ve done. Chuck is one of the coolest people to hang around with. He’s practically like a brother to me! We have so much in common.. such as the same parents and sister.
Have a great birthday, Chuckers! Hopefully be seeing you in a couple o months.
Thanks again mike for your kind b'day words! Can't wait until I get back into town, maybe we can go shopping at Walgreens again – I still think that you, Lisa, and I gotta get back into the bingo halls, I really miss that. You know I'm a supreme metal master since I've played with Trans-Siberian Orchestra AND Josh Groban. If you need any pointers, you know my number. I do think you could Christmas up your Iced Ink show, and get a singer who uses teleprompters so he can remember his lyrics… Time to go and scoop breaded kitty lincoln logs out of the cat box – say hi to Frank and I'll see you whenever this orchestra madness comes to an end!
Remember when you guys would chew with your mouths open and show your chewed food to me? That was my favorite. And Bucky,remember the sweet comment you said when my high school sweetheart and I were going to watch church on TV in the basement? Speaking of church lets not forget our Pope cards! Remember when dad used to get pissed cause you would pretend the wind was blowing you away when he was yelling at you? And remember when mom had to leave KMART cause you wouldn't quit crying because you couldn't get a car? I mean you and Mike only had 50 thousand cars,how dare she deprive you of one more?
And last but not least…
your precious Legos. How I loved the sound they made when you were looking for that one tiny piece for 3 days.
Happy Birthday Chuckster!!
When are you going to come home?