Enema Enigma

Men At Work’s “Business As Usual” was cranking through my earbuds and I was on the home stretch of my morning run through Prospect Paahk today when something caught my eye. Occasionally I’ll see a stray empty beer can, a few fast food wrappers, and other assorted garbage that presumably ends up there as a result of someone mistaking beautiful, flourishing park foliage for a waste receptacle. I can see where it’s pretty easy to mix the two up.

Today’s standout garbage item was something much more unique and thought provoking than your run of the mill nugget of garbage. Even more thought provoking than the unrolled prophylactic that I ran past on the park’s east side dirt path for about a month until it mysteriously disappeared. Did a dog eat it? Was it finally used? Did a kid pick it up and inflate it? I’ll never know and it’s causing me to lose sleep. At any rate, this morning’s bright and shining mystery star on the ground was none other than an empty enema box.

An empty enema box? In Prospect Paaahk?! On a 50′ stretch of trail that goes through a tunnel of trees?

If only empty enema boxes could talk.

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