I’ve been drawing since I was 3 or 4 and fell out of touch with it over the decades as I turned into a grownup.
Back in 2013, my brother bought me a sketchbook and I decided to get back into drawing by challenging myself to create at least 1 drawing a day, and post it on this new app I’d been hearing about called Instagram.
They started as bizarre little 10 minute marker doodles, and quickly evolved into puns. I did one EVERY DAY up until late 2019 when I had to back off because there just aren’t enough hours in a day… between a full-time job, drawing, and writing music, I’d need days to be 72 hours long in order to do everything I’d like to. At the time I’m typing this, my “punny do” list has hundreds of ideas that I still need to draw, and the list keeps growing. I still crank out new ones on weekends, and sometimes one will slip in on a weekday.
February 2021: I’ve been working on moving my drawings from my GuyWhoDraws Instagram to here. Mission accomplished, but there’s over 2,500 drawings and load times can be slow. It’s a work in progress, but feel free to search or click through them all. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to speed things up!
(2013-05-30) Lou Read
(2013-05-31) Today is the birthday of the dude who taught me the importance of things such as grilled meat, Consumer Reports, booya, using 3M tape instead of the generic shit, fixing stuff, and most importantly a contraption I became obsessed with called a ETOUQguitarETOUQ: my beloved pops Larry Krenner. Happy Bert-day Dad! Today's droring is a shout-out to the tape thing (he worked at 3M so we always had a nice variety of premium quality Scotch tape on hand)
(2013-06-08) Time to drink some screwdrivers in honor of my parents' 45th anniversary of sheer nonstop wedded bliss. Love ya Maw and Paw, thanks for getting married, being awesome, and having kids!
(2013-06-09) Today is a 2-4-1. One of my first Instagrams (before I committed myself to a year's worth of 1 drawing a day) was text only which always bugged me. So here's a drawing to make up for it. A failed attempt at an idea called ETOUQhamburgerkiteETOUQ which may return once I figure out how to get it on paper.
(2013-06-10) #vans
(2013-06-13) My band has a show tonight. It is at a place called Fat Baby. Their website is very pink. https://www.facebook.com/events/131574730375300/
(2013-06-14) #naan
(2013-06-15) Forgot.
(2013-06-16) HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. The story behind ETOUQCraftsmanipulatedETOUQ can be found here: https://www.mikekrenner.com/2013/06/dadsday2013/
(2013-06-17) #electricity #power #plants
(2013-06-18) Started out as a wok but didn't quite go as planned. I have no idea what this is, but I am quite confident that it's not a wok.
(2013-07-06) If only Coney Island were this desolate and populated with cones.
(2013-07-08) #gyro #gyroscope #telescope
(2013-07-09) #cigarette #smoke
(2013-07-10) Shower the people you love with love, and, like, totally write songs about cute boys. **100TH DRAWING** https://www.mikekrenner.com/2013/07/one-hunnit-drorings-counting-circa-2013/
(2013-07-11) #thesaurus #the #dinosaur
(2013-07-12) #eyeball
(2013-07-13) #beer #beard #beerd
(2013-07-14) #vanhalen #vh
(2013-07-15) #wisconsin #fishfry #fridayfishfry
(2013-07-16) Today's entry is a shout-out to a movie starring Judd Nelson playing a standup comic who grows an arm out of his back. (Thanks to Chuck Archer for brining that gem to my attention many moons ago)
(2013-07-17) #pear #pants
(2013-07-18) Shout-out to my homeland. The MN State Bird sounds like this: ETOUQOoooohyaaaaaaaaaaahETOUQ