I’ve been drawing since I was 3 or 4 and fell out of touch with it over the decades as I turned into a grownup.
Back in 2013, my brother bought me a sketchbook and I decided to get back into drawing by challenging myself to create at least 1 drawing a day, and post it on this new app I’d been hearing about called Instagram.
They started as bizarre little 10 minute marker doodles, and quickly evolved into puns. I did one EVERY DAY up until late 2019 when I had to back off because there just aren’t enough hours in a day… between a full-time job, drawing, and writing music, I’d need days to be 72 hours long in order to do everything I’d like to. At the time I’m typing this, my “punny do” list has hundreds of ideas that I still need to draw, and the list keeps growing. I still crank out new ones on weekends, and sometimes one will slip in on a weekday.
February 2021: I’ve been working on moving my drawings from my GuyWhoDraws Instagram to here. Mission accomplished, but there’s over 2,500 drawings and load times can be slow. It’s a work in progress, but feel free to search or click through them all. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to speed things up!
(2014-03-05) The rare 2-can, seen here, is the world's only recyclable bird.
(2014-03-14) A suggestion for those who want a beard transplant but can't shell out the $8k for it: the smaller, much more affordable and easy to maintain bEARd. (Heads up! This droring is in honor of tonight's NEW BEARD gig that I'm playing. If urine the NYC area come check it out! https://www.facebook.com/events/627761620593942/ )
(2014-03-17) He's not even really Irish, he's just another one of those amateur green beer drinkers who will be barfing on the sidewalk before noon today.
(2014-03-21) 4-chin Teller is saying that he senses my band ICED INK's single release show is happening in the immediate future: https://m.facebook.com/events/206977809513157
(2014-03-21) Dear Instragrammers: In addition to making drorings (including this one you see here!) I also make guitar music. My band ICED INK has released our new single today in support of our forthcoming album TELEVISION EARS. If you like my weird art you just may like the music as well - check it out asap at http://music.icedink.com - stream it or download it - either way it's FREE!! Thanks for listening and as always for following. Cheers to weird art and weird rock musics - and happy Friday!
(2014-03-29) This is just about as entertaining as 97% of the content I've watched on YouTube.
(2014-03-30) A tequila shot in honor of making it to the finish line of my 365th daily droring. BADDABING
(2014-04-04) Get my band ICED INK's new album Television Ears for free!! Head over to http://icedink.bandcamp.com to peep our unique blend of space surf metalbilly rock country something-something!
(2014-04-05) Back in my coffee slingin' days this quickly became my least favorite mispronunciation of what I consider to be the world's greatest beverage (tied with Surly Brewery's Furious beer)
(2014-04-16) It's always neat when you find that one rogue random curly fry in the bag of crinkle cuts.
(2014-04-17) One of my least favorite phrases has finally been put to paper. Keep your distance from this guy, he's probably still contagious.
(2014-04-18) Shhh... Be vaywee vaywee quiet.
(2014-04-19) http://icedink.bandcamp.com contains new weird and fun music from my band, the name of which is tatted onto the trunk of this Backwardrubberneckasaurus.
(2014-04-25) The world's most inconvenient cigarette. I would really like to see one light such a thing.
(2014-04-26) Trent Triclops interrupts your usual daily pun with shameless cheerleading/advertising: GuyWhoDraws also makes crazy guitar music. Download his band ICED INK's new album for free at www.icedink.bandcamp.com today!
(2014-04-27) One piece of moichkindising that Gene Simmons overlooked during Peter's tenure in the band.
(2014-04-28) One more shameless band plug for the Gipper. That and I don't have time for a punny today so I'm pulling from the archives. This is Gus Stash, official sporter of the world's only Iced Ink goatee. If you like free rad music like Gus does, get on the bus, Gus, at www.icedink.bandcamp.com
(2014-04-29) Woah. Those lyrics are heavy. Dust/Wind/Dude.