Aaah, sometimes there’s nothing like a good old sugary can of Coke. It’s damn near impossible to find a Coke can around this time of the year that doesn’t have Sandee Claws on it. Kudos to Coke for sticking with tradition and not taking the PC non-denominational route of displaying snowflakes on their cans. Now that I think of it, Diet Coke cans are that way, but Santa ain’t no Diet Coke drinker either, is he? That would be like the Easter Bunny handing out low carb candies and trail mix.

This makes me wonder: does this get on the nerves of non-Christian Coke drinkers out there? If there were only Jehovah’s Witness Coke cans, it would definitely get on my nerves a little. They’d likely have some sort of Jehovah’s documentation printed on the can which would distract me from enjoying my drink. There could be Kwanzaa cans. Hanukah cans. Festivus cans. But nope, with Coke, you’re getting Santa whether you like it or not. Coke is making a lot of people who just want something to drink involuntarily display Christmas cheer.

Okay – on a side note, a guy just came into the shop, set up his laptop and bought a can of Santa Coke. He is now sitting, typing, and enjoying a can of Coke, just as I am. There is a James Taylor Christmas carol on the radio. He just talked to me about how he heard The Clash’s “London Calling” in here a while back, and it was just being cranked in the store CD player an hour or two ago.

This is getting creepy. I need to go find something to do…