Caution: inappropriate observation ahead

I saw an ad this morning featuring Pinocchio and Gepetto as the main characters. I don’t remember what exactly it was for, but it was nothing Disney related. If you’re not Disney and you pimp yo product or service with characters like Pinocchio and Gepetto, I’m guessing business isn’t going to pick up none. People will walk away like I did remembering Pinocchio and Gepetto rather than the company that paid for the ad and go on with their day.

But annahoo, I got to thinking – what if Pinocchio was in the privacy of his own room admiring a calendar with bikini clad female puppets and becoming rather excited, if you know what I mean. Gepetto walks in on him and asks:

“Good heavens, Pinocchio… what in gawds name are you doing??”

Instinctively, Pinocchio would become embarrassed, close the calendar and say “Nothing! Nothing! Er, I was…” [insert awkward silence]

And then his nose would start to grow because he had just fibbed. I mean… and then his nose would grow too.