
Not much new today. We are building a new hill, as some bastard kid rode his bike over our old one and took it out. Ha ha, very funny. We’ll show him. We’re gonna build the new one closer to the edge of the sidewalk and make it twice as tall.

I heard Cousin Danny was fried by a magnifying glass today. Dad is still recovering from running away from the white dot of fire chasing him down the driveway. He lost part of his back leg, but thankfully made it back to the hole in time. Damned kids.


New hill is built. This one kicks ass; it’s right on the edge of the sidewalk and leads into a huge crevice which hooks up to the main tunnel. It’s got to be a good 3/4″ tall at least. Not much new, same old same old. Mark found a piece of a Hershey Bar across the street and it took 67 of us to pick it up and make the long journey back to the Hiding Place.


Things aren’t looking so good. Although our new hill was bigger and better, we forgot to take lawnmowers into consideration. One pass over it and it was gone. Still doing a body count, but we do know we lost 34 friends and family members at this point and I can’t find my sister. It’s a disaster. What once stood 3/4″ tall over the sidewalk by the grass has now been completely leveled. I need to go help clean up now.

to be continued