I was walking around in Barnes and Noble today while wearing corduroy pants.
I like corduroys as much as the next guy, but they were making that fwwwwip..fwwwwwip.. noise as I was walking from the inner leg areas rubbing together. It’s fine most of the other time, but when I’m in a quiet place like Barnes and Noble and I hear my pants as I’m walking, it starts to piss me off a little and I start looking around to see if anyone’s noticing the sound. Sort of that same paranoia you get when your shoes are squeaking really loud on the freshly buffed floors of Target.
So anyways. Does anyone know if they still make those iron-on elbow patches for long sleeve shirts? If I recall correctly, you used to be able to get corduroy ones.
If so, I’m gonna get a set of two and stick those bad boys on my cords on the upper inner leg area. And I’m gonna stick ’em on there sideways, because if you get two cord pant legs rubbing together and the grain of the corduroy runs horizontal rather than vertical, they would be way more quiet to walk in. More of a barely audible swishhh swishh… I definitely wouldn’t be getting mad at my pants if that were the case opposed to the way it is now.
Sidenote: While at B&N, I stumbled upon a book called Superstud: Or How I Became a 24-Year-Old Virgin by Paul Feig, coincidentally the creator of one of my favorite shows ever, Freaks and Geeks. It was a hilarious read and I highly recommend it if you liked the show or are on the market for some good literary candy – expeshilly if you are or once were a teenage boy. I damn near plowed through almost half of it before some sluts came over and started bothering me causing me to make like a tree and get outa there.