How hard is it… really?

No, this isn’t pertaining to the male anatomy – sorry.

You’ve probably seen the footage of the recent space shuttle boo boo – there it is flying up into space and a chunk of it flies off. After all of the other shuttle disasters that have happened in the past, how hard is it really to make sure every bolt is tight and every panel of the shuttle is glued on securely prior to shooting it a million miles up in the air just short of the speed of light?

Do you see chunks of new cars flying all over hell when you’re out on the roads? I should hope not. You’d prollee be pretty pissed off as an owner and demand some sort of refund. Same goes for anything else you ride in, save for carnival rides, which we all know are just oversized games of Russian Roulette. You know you could very well die on the things, but you pay to ride them anyways, cause it’s fun to swish all those cheese curds and cotton candy poofs around in your belly and feel sick afterwards.

But the space shuttle. That’s some scary shit. Maybe it’s time to start sending prisoners or washed up celebrities up in those things for a test drive before sending anyone important up there.

One question I have about that footage of the panel flying off into outerspace with the earth beneath looking like a wee little blue and green tennis ball: if they can keep the cameraman who shot that footage glued to the outside of the shuttle, why can’t they keep foam tiles glued on? Maybe they’re just too light and we need to use a different material like stainless steel or something.

Dear NASA:

There is something called KRAZY GLUE which I’ve had very good luck with in the past. Make sure there’s a “K” in KRAZY and not a “C” – the “C” is a knockoff brand that doesn’t bond as quickly. It’s so strong that it can adhere a construction worker to an I beam in seconds flat. Go to Walgreens and pick some up – it comes in original and thick form. I’ve glued my fingers together on many occasions and that shit is damn near impossible to tear apart once it dries.

Just a suggestion.

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