Quite a while ago I purchased a pack of 8 eyeballs with sticky backs on ’em with the intent of putting some on my guitar. Through the molded plastic they were packaged in, they looked convincingly squishy and shit – although they were closer to marble size than human eye size. That didn’t bother me though.. envisioning such enhancement on the Ink-O-Caster made me think Hells yeah, that would be awesome!
So while unpacking here at my lovely new abode, I ran across the package of eyeballs and cracked ’em open to have a looksie. Turns out that the eyeballs are not squishy at all. They are of a Styrofoam composite, and worse yet, the iris and pupil were printed on a cheap sticker and slapped onto the foam ball. And they were starting to peel off.
Fuck that! I’m not putting that garbage on my guitar. Styrofoam is for things like holding bait and keeping new televisions intact during transit to the places they’re sold at. Styrofoam is not for making fake eyeballs, thank you.
Sheesh. Another hard-earned dolla 98, right down the drain. I could have spent that on chocolate milk or something. At least with that you know it’s not gonna be Styrofoam when you open the bottle.