Peep this: My brother Chuck has been going through the family photo archives and just sent this little gem of a Kodak Moment to me. Yep, that would be me doing my best Gene Simmons pose next to the very car of my Grampa’s that some 20 years later would be mine (click the pic for a larger shot – that sucker is tight!)
This shot was taken up at Gramp’s cabin and I honestly don’t remember it being taken. I thought that car was badass back then, and still do today.. weird thing is although it’s showing some age these days, there’s prolly only about 5,000 more miles on it than when this pic was taken. Gramps had about 5 cars (minimum) at any given time, most of them junkers. But he saved the Pinto for summer drives only, so it was very well preserved.
I wish I still had that M&M shirt. I hated the shit out of peanut enna-ens back then, but I liked that shirt for some reason. If I did still have it, I’d drive le Pinto the 250 miles up to the lake and try and re-enact this here pic. It looks like I’m not wearing pants though, and that obviously concerns me a wee bit, especially seeing that I don’t remember this pic being taken. If I were to re-enact this scene in the present time, I certainly wouldn’t want a snapshot taken in front of my car without my pants on. I think I most likely had a pair of raisin smuggler shorts on, or “crotch biters” as we used to call ’em. Yes, I think I can see fabric peeking out from under my shirt a little bit. Damn, that’s sort of relieving…
Note to self: You have a project for this winter.
1) Find yella and brown M&M shirt at thrift store.
2) Find pair ‘o’ raisin smuggler shorts.
3) Get a bowl cut.
4) When the now eagerly anticipated Spring thaw arrives, it’s time to head up Narth with the trusty ol’ camera to make this thing go full circle. Maybe I’ll bring my boom box and Herbie Hancock, Art Of Noise, Queensryche and RATT cassette tapes to make it as authentic as possible. Add to that a package of stale Oreos and funny tasting warm 16oz glass bottles of Pepsi Cola.
And so the Grandpa Days Re-Visited Tour of 2006 is now officially in the works.
Yeah, I got a whole calender full of childhood pictures of us my sister put together for Christmas/Hanukah a couple years ago. The memories come flying back, but then for some of them, you just sit there staring at it thinking, "what the…?"
(Geez, I wish this thing had spell-check for comments.)
Awesome re-creation concept, DO IT! And then post the two pics side-by-side.