Daylight Savings = confusion

Tis that time of year again. I always get screwed up with which way I’m s’posed to turn the dial on my watch, moreso than the average bear. Is it “Fall back/Spring ahead” or “Spring back/Fall ahead”?

Alls I know from personal experience is the latter of the two. Was strapping some cargo on top of my station wagon one time and the bungee cord snapped back at me, hitting me square in the kisser and knocking me out. I fell forward.

So um, yeah. Please advise. I went with my bungee experience and used “Spring back/Fall ahead”. Hope that’s the right way. If so, I’m in synch with the rest of you and that’s cool. If not, I’m now 2 hours ahead of everyone which would make me really early for work on Monday. Losing out on all of that sleep and not being able to get into the office would suck something awful.

Thanks a lot, Benjamin Franklin. Real bright idea you had there, wiseguy…

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