My building has been without hot water all day today – I found this out while droring a nice hot baff and doing a temperature check with my toes. If the water were any colder, I would have frozen from my foot all the way to my head and turned into an ice sculpture.. a true Micycle Icicle if you know what I’m sayin’.

Now I’m a fella who takes great pride in practicing consistent hygiene, so when I can’t take a shower or bath like this, I start to get a little squeamish. I remember one time when I lived in St. Paul and the hot water was out for 3 days I just couldn’t take it anymore and just went in for a cold shower. I thought it was going to be easier than hauling my arse over to a friend’s house in Minneapplesauce who offered and had hot water. Let me just say I learned that lesson the hard way.. I should have taken her up on that offer. I was blue and shivering something awful. But at least I was clean, I guess. On a side note, you know those groups people that go running into frozen lakes in bathing suits to be “silly”? A person’s got to be dumber than a box of shit to do that.

So I called the caretaker around 4 today upon this discovery and she said “Oh yes, we’ve put in a call on that, hopefully we’ll have it fixed today!” I speak in caretaker tongue and know precisely what she meant by those last 6 words:
Yeah, don’t call back, they’ll be around sometime this week, good luck, SEE-YA-BYE!

So now I’m sitting here waiting for 3 pans of water to boil and dump in the tub so’s I can be Spongebath Cleanpants. I usually only boil water when cooking pasta and am starting to get hungry now. So do I boil up some Penne and whip up a nice dinner, or do I go with my original plan and use it for a bath?

I could boil up some Penne and when draining it, do it over the bathtub and soak my insomnia away in some nice fragrant noodle water. Who knows, the starch, salt, and olive oil in the water just might be good for my skin. But then the noodles would get cold as I bathed and I’d have to scurry about making a mess cooking after a relaxing bath.. bah, that’s too much work.

Will just stick with one hunnit percent un-noodled water, I guess. Ah, the joy and splendor that comes with renting in a building older than my Grandma.