I’m in the midst of a moderately peculiar dream.

I can’t remember exactly how it started, but one of the first things I remember about this dream is punching my alarm clock because it was making a horrendous amount of hullabaloo oh so early in the morning.

The punch silenced the alarm clock and Frank, who I guess was sleeping next to my head gave me a reeereooowll raaaaraah? meow when he saw me sit up.

I got out of bed and ate two bowls of Target’s Market Pantry brand corn flakes seasoned with a wee pinch of sugar. I then showered, shaved and applied product to my hair to give it that thick, rather unkempt front lawn look that I like to go for.

It was the weirdest thing.

Then I headed off to work and got a coffee on the way. A nice waifish tattooed girl was behind the counter and she was rather quiet, I’m guessing because in this dream it was quite early in the morning. She gave me my coffee, told me to have a good morning, and off to work I went.

When I arrived at work, everybody was there that usually is in real life and our server was down. A co-worker asked me if I’d like to see her pictures that she had taken on a recent vacation, and I took a gander. Amongst the many fine pictures was one of a dead half eaten deer that they’d spotted whilst snowmobiling in the northern woods of MN. I told her that the deer wasn’t dead, rather that it was just sleeping.. and suggested that she should use said deer photo as desktop wallpaper at her workstation.

Yeah, I have some pretty weird dreams.

Next thing I knew, I was still at work, but the servers were back up. My boss came in shortly thereafter and asked if everything was working okay and we said “yes.” I put my headphones on and listened to the Cinderella song Coming Home on repeat, ’cause evidently for whatever reason in this dream the song got stuck in my head from out of nowhere. It’s a great song though, really.

Then, the strangest thing occurred: Still in my dream, mind you, I started writing a blog about this really weird dream that I was in the middle of and I’ll be damned, I posted the darn thing on MySpace.

I’m dying to find out what happens next. This is the most realistic and uneventful dream I’ve ever had… I sure hope things get a little more exciting than this before I wake up and find myself back in the real world.

It’s the only real world I know. The one where I’m surrounded by incredibly expensive vintage guitars and my harem of admirers. They’re all at my side swilling ale (and/or sodie pop), listening to music, playing video games, and bugging me to take them out back to my personal amusement park to pet the giraffes and ride on the ferris wheel.

Yeah, if someone could just be a lamb and wake me up so I can get back to that, um… yeeeah… that would be just great. I’ll be sitting here at work stuck in this gawd awfully boring dream in the mean time.

1 thought on “I’m in the midst of a moderately peculiar dream.”

  1. If I don't get enough sleep, I have dreams about running errands. Yeah, baby. Wild.

    Nothing says "Call Freud about this one" like catching some Zzz's and dreaming about getting your grocery shopping done while nothing else out of the ordinary happens and then you wake up wondering why there's no 2% in the fridge because, dagnabbit, you just bought some at the frickin' store….in your…duuurrream.

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