T0day I gav3 my c0mput3r’s k3yb0ard a g00d cl3aning aft3r spilling s0m3 0rang3 juic3 0n th3 spac3bar | I t00k it all apart and s0ak3d th3 k3ys in s0apy wat3r |
Man’ y0u w0uldn,t b3li3v3 what a dirty m3ss th3r3 is living und3r th0s3 k3ys y0u typ3 with|
W0rd t0 th3 wis3 th0ugh+
If y0u d0 what I did and tak3 all 0f th3 l3tt3rs 0ff 0f y0ur c0mput3r k3yb0ard t0 cl3an it 0ff’ b3 sur3 y0u hav3 a pictur3 0f wh3r3 all 0f th3 k3ys ar3 Supp0s3d t0 g0 0nc3 y0u put it all back t0g3th3r|
It’s g0ing t0 b3 a whil3 b3f0r3 I figur3 0ut wh3r3 all 0f th3s3 k3ys ar3 supp0s3d t0 b3… H3LP!