I’ve used the “shuffle all songs” feature on my Pod a zillion times now, as it seems to always be the best way to listen to mine toons. I’ve got over 5,000 to choose from and counting, and it gets to be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just let my little ebony 60G Pod do the thinking for me. I have to give credit where credit is due.. it does a great job of shuffling, as I don’t think I’ve heard the same song twice yet.

Except for one.

“Time To Change” by the Brady Bunch.

I haven’t heard it just twice; I hear it almost every time I tell my Pod to shuffle the songs! This is not a complaint.. I like the tune, otherwise it wouldn’t be on my Pod in the first place.

But how interesting that out of all of the musics available for my Pod to pick from, it almost always throws that one into the mix, and usually within the first 20 songs to boot. This morning on my way to work I selected SHUFFLE SONGS and pressed the “go” button.


There I was, fresh out of the starting gates of my day at 6:20am being pumped full of cheerful, wholesome Brady goodness. It was pretty dern loud, too, as I must have inadvertently knocked the volume up out of the safety zone I usually keep it at (I don’t want to be any more deef than I already am.) The guitars were going YEOW chickka YEOW-WOW, tambourines doin’ the chingy changy chingy changy, crispy trumpets, and best of all, the sonic massage of Barry Williams and Maureen McCormick carrying me through the verses. For my fellow Brady enthusiasts, no, sadly Peter isn’t in the recording doing his mid-pubescent “SHA NA NA NA NAaaaaaaaa!” I know. Bummer, man. I still see him in my mind, though, making that kooky, zany, wacky face of his with the headphones on in the isolation booth of the recording studio.

Is my iPod trying to tell me something? Does it want me to put my old Brady Bunch Top 8 list back on my MySpace page? I see the repeated plays of this tune as much more than just a coinky-dinky. Come on – this one song out of the some fitty two hunnit I have on there? You can “rate” songs as they play on your Pod and tell it to play only the ones you rate highest, however I have never dialed up the rating screen on this one (although it does deserve 5 stars.)

Is it time for me to change and rearrange?Because gah-dammit, you iPod, don’t you know that’s what I just spent the whole summer doing? I need a break from the change/rearrange thing, please. I just want to kick back and watch some fuckin’ TV, man. Leave me alone!

Maybe my iPod just likes that song. That’s cool, I guess. It is pretty groovy and all, and it gives us all a great message. Listening to the lyrics, they really don’t make any sense at all to me, but I’m sure there’s a good message in there somewhere. Save the trees, love yourself and everyone else, know that the weird smelling fur that’s starting to grow in your nether regions is perfectly normal and just roll with it, and so on. Did anything ever make sense on that show? That is why I love it so. Cheers to you, iPod, for picking this tune to beat to death over, say, Cannibal Corpse’s “A Skull Full of Maggots”.

sha na na na, na na na na, sha na na na na!
sha na na na, na na na na, sha na na na na!

Autumn turns to winter and then winter turns to spring,
its not just a season to know its goes for everything.
clouds can turn to rain and then it just might snow
You gotta take lesson from mother nature and if you do you’ll know.

[chorus]Well its time to change
then its time to change
move by the time come along for the ride, dont you see
when its time to change you’ve got to rearrange
move your heart to what your gonnabe.
sha na na na na na na sha na na na na na

day by day its hard to see the changes you’ve been through
a little bit of living a little bit of growing all adds up to you
every boys a man inside
a girls a women too
and if you wanna reach your destiny its what you’ve got to do

[chorus]Well its time to change
when its time to change
move by the time come along for the ride, dont you see
when its time to change you’ve got to rearrange
move your heart to what your gonna be.
sha na na na na na na na, sha na na na na na

[chorus]Well its time to change
when its time to change you’ve got to rearrange
move your heart to what your gonna be.
sha na na na na na na na, sha na na na na