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Do It Yourself Science: An Aurora in Your Mouth (Oral Borealis)!

Here’s a strange one to try. Go out and buy a roll of wintergreen-flavored Lifesavers (in the green roll). Find a room that can be made totally dark and take a mirror with you (or use the bathroom at night.) Sit in the dark to allow your eyes to adapt and then bite down on a Lifesaver while looking in the mirror. The Lifesaver will spark and glitter as you chew!

Okay, I know many of you are saying “DUH – we learned that in grade school!” Well, Mr. Knowitall, some people out there not as smart as you may not have tried it yet. And I’m about to burst your knowledge bubble even further with a safety tip that could someday save your life:

You know how when you have even the most faint notion that there’s a gas leak in your house, you’re supposed to leave right away? They say to not do anything such as pick up the telephone or turn any electrical devices on/off lest you want a spark from the aforementioned devices to cause a gas explosion.

Maybe you see what I’m getting at now: if you walk into your house, smell a gas leak, and happen to be masking your halitosis by munching on a refreshing wintergreen-flavored Lifesaver, you’re fucked.