I had 6 or 7 stray Cheerios left in my bowl with a wee splash of sugary milk. I had to leave the room for a minute to answer my telly-a-phone and came back to discover that my Cheerios and most of the milk had been stolen.
However. Take notice of the footprints left behind at the scene of the crime:
It is clear that whomever committed this heinous crime had really small feet. Not to mention they weren’t very bright nor efficient in the heat of their criminal activites (notice how they took the long way to get to the bowl. Pshhht! Amateurs.)
I’m going through my entire apartment complex right now to look at all of my neighbor’s feet and so help me gawd if I find the culprit, there’s going to be some Hell to pay. The sugar-infused “melk” and slightly mushy Cheerios are my favorite part.
(On a side note I just noticed that I have a picture with my Wheaties tuque in it right smack dab in the middle of a Cheerio blawg. Perhaps I’ve found a new culinary breakfast blend here. You know.. sort of like that Hey.. you got your chocolate in my peanut butter! accident.)