I loathe Guitar Center. A few years ago I even went so far as to put together a “song” named with the very title of this journal entry. Ever since the late 80s when they opened up a store here and my mullet and I went in to peep the place, I always got a used-car salesman vibe from the place. Remember the scene in Fargo where William H. Macy tells the customer he’ll go back and talk to his manager to see what he can do? And then he talks to his manager about the hockey game and runs back out to the customer and closes the deal? Yeah, like that. Some people can deal with that, but personally, I can’t stand it. I’d rather pay slightly more and know my money is going to a local shop where everybody knoooows your name.

[insert piano ending of Cheers theme here]

If you’ve never been, GC is a big more-is-more American chain store, which means you’re pretty much forced to go there when you need something ASAFP. Reasons being because

1) they can afford to be open when the smaller independent shops can’t,
2) they’re conveniently located, and
3) they have just about everything under the sun in stock.

Those three factors have pretty much killed off their smaller competitors over the years that I used to support. I still do all of my binnit at smaller stores and only go to GC when I absolutely have to, which is very rarely. Last week I needed a mixer for recording Fish Pudding and ended up scoring a closeout floor model from GC. Got home, plugged it in, and the bastard didn’t work.

I called the other location in town to see if they had any left. In the token overly zealous GC duder voice, I was told “Yeah, those are great little mixers! Hold on man, let me check!” Mmm hm… Minutes later, GuitarDude popped back on the phone and said “All right, man, looks like I have one left in stock. I can get you a killer deal on it too ’cause it’s a floor model. 10% off!” It’s a 15 mile drive to the store and I couldn’t afford to pass it up ($30 vs. $70?) so asked him to hold it for me until the next day when I could come in.

“Oh no worries, dude, it’ll be here!”
“Great.. but can you set it aside for me?”
“Um – well if you’re coming tomorrow, it’ll be here. Just ask for [insert boy name here that’s likely misspelled on purpose, i.e. “Jaysin”] and I’ll hook you up!”
“Well can I give you my credit card number to buy it now and be safe?”
“Nah – just come on in tomorrow!”

Ugh. FINE. I took the chance and hung up.

Goldie and I went in the next day and looked through the clusterfuck of gear in the Pro Audio department for my $30 mixer. No dice. I asked one of the three dozen Pro Audio salesmen on hand where it was. GuitarDude checked, and it was still listed in their inventory. I breathed a sigh of relief as he scurried off to hunt it down. 10 minutes of unbearable Metallica/shitty razor blade distortion two handed tapping riffs later, Dude came up to me and said “Toadilly sorry man, I have no idea where it is… I don’t know what to do.”

Out the door we went.

Over a beer and pizza lunch a block away from there, I decided to not make the trip a total waste. I’d just go back, buy the expensive mixer and just return it after the couple of hours I needed it for, telling them it wasn’t what I needed. It’s the least those fuckers could do for me for suckering me into driving out there for nothing.

I ran in, bought a new $70 mixer, and took off like a Bat Out of Hell Part II. When I got home, I carefully opened the box, took out the power supply, and plugged it into my old mixer that didn’t work in the first place just for shits and giggles. It lit up like a Christmas tree and worked like a charm.

Today, Guitar Center can and will eat my balls yet again when I return the $70 mixer with the old shoddy power supply for a full refund. After all is said and done, I’m ending up with my original mixer that works again… so that’s the glass is half full side of this. Thanks once again for the inconvenience, Guitar Center.