I used to type these blog things almost every other day for quite a while. But then real life intervened and every other day became every other week… and every other month… and then that turned into a year, and so on. It’s time to change that!
I have no idea where to begin. So much has happened over the past couple of years. Allow me if you will to present some of the highlights in a neatly organized bulleted list format:
- I got married to a very cool and very hot momma, putting a permanent end to my “IS EVERY WOMAN OUT THERE A FUCKING NUTJOB??” woes. Just like I’m sure it is with boys, I discovered that the answer to that question is yes. You just have to find the proper frequency of fucking nutjob–ness in that other person; one that is properly in sync with yours.
- I got a new job. And then I was laid off from that job. And then I got a new job 4 months later: my old job at the same place, but with better pay. So technically my new job wasn’t “new” per se; I already had it at one time and then someone else did it for a while. So maybe I should call it a gently used job. I like my job. Lots.
- I fulfilled a lifelong goal of actually setting foot in New York City. Twice in the past two years and hopefully much, much more in the future. We first went for our honeymoon in July of 2007 and let me tell you what: the second we emerged from the humid, dark, reeky subway terminal up into the narrow, noisy streets of Manhattan, I felt like I was home.
- Another goal fulfilled: Owning a hollowbody Gretsch guitar. The Wifey bought me my first one as a surprise Thanksgiving/Can’t Wait Until Christmas gift in 2007, and my other one came home with us from Manny’s in NYC in 2008. You know when you try a pair of jeans on and they fit perfectly? That’s how those guitars are for me. If I play any other kind of guitar now it feels unnatural and I feel like I’m cheating on them.
- I stopped playing acoustic guitar pretty much altogether. I’m sick to death of hearing those Finnegan songs and haven’t felt like writing anything new, so my acoustic guitar is in hibernation until whenever I decide to bust it out again. Who knows when that will be. When I tell people that, they say “Ooooh, but that stuff is so gooooooood!” Thank you! So are pancakes, but that doesn’t mean you want to keep eating them and eating them every day.1
- I’ve been in a creative dry spell for a year or two now and feel a strong need to bust out of it, hence my dusting off the ol‘ virtual blog pen and typing this today. I need a creativity enema.
- In another attempt to break the creativity block, in addition to Iced Ink last fall I joined a new band called fe–rah’go. I am very fortunate to be playing in 2 bands with extremely talented musicians who are awesome people.
- I have lost a lot of patience and hope with the local music scene here in Minneapolis.
- I never, ever thought I’d go to Mexico. I never really had the desire, much less the opportunity. All of my life that was always something in pictures and on TV that other people did. It turns out that when given the opportunity to go to Mexico for the mere price of airfare and food, the desire was kicked up a few notches. We went last month and it was awesome.
- Whilst baking in the sun by the pool in Mexico, I read Nikki Sixx’s The Heroin Diaries; a compelling and disturbing conglomeration of journal entries he wrote in the late 80’s at both Motley Crue’s peak as well as the peak of his heroin addiction. The book made me realize that I used to write journal entries on this here site and made me miss it a little. It also made me thankful that I’ve never tried heroin and therefore never wrote a journal while on the heroin.
- Last Halloween I was Mork and shaved off my goatee for the first time in about 12 years.
- I am now a beer snob. (Gee, thanks a lot Joe Berkman on bass!)
- BLOG. I’ve never liked that word, and it’s starting to sound a little dated now. So I think I’ll just call this a journal.
That’s alls I’ve got for now. It’s a good start. My goal is to have another meatsmoothie.blogspot.com spewing posted within the next 48 hours. Can you handle the suspense?
1 Subtle Mitch Hedberg reference