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Crazy Eyes

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I haven’t written a new Iced Ink song since last September. It was time to change that with a lil ditty called “Crazy Eyes”.

“Crazy Eyes” was a particularly tough one to get out of my head, mostly from the technical end of things. After 20 years of being a PC guy I switched over to a Macbook a few months ago for something different and to allow myself collaborate on some tunes with my brother Chuck and my buddy Timm, both being Mac guys who swear by Logic for music creation.

Logic definitely lives up to its name, although up until recently I’ve been referring to it as “Counter Intuitive” and ripping my hair out trying to teach myself a new interface. I’ve religiously used Cakewalk/Sonar for all of my recording needs for almost 18 years now and it was really bizarre to sit and figure out how to do all of the stuff that I can do blindfolded in Sonar. It was a real beeyotch to get the fake drums and guitar amps in Logic to sound like I wanted them to. I can only liken the whole process to what it must be like to go to another country and have to drive on the “wrong” side of the car and road for the first time, except the chances of harming myself learning how to use new recording software vs. driving in a wrong-sided country are probably much lower, or so I’d like to think.

crazy eyesI finally jumped the “where the f*&k is this/how do I do that” hurdle in Logic so here’s to making more music with it (and with the aforementioned Logic dudes)! Although I didn’t start off with the intent of writing a tune dedicated to “Crazy Eyes” it took that identity pretty early on. We were watching season 3 of Orange Is The New Black when I started writing it and that character always makes me smile when I see her.

Welcome to the world of Iced Ink tribute songs, Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren. You’re in good company with Steve Buscemi, Bob Forrest, and Bill Murray to name a few.

(While you’re here, at the time of this writing the human version of Iced Ink just wrapped up mixing our forthcoming EP and let me tell ya, it’s the best yet. Sign up on the Iced Ink spam list for up-to-the-minute info on the release date and upcoming gigs!)



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