

Back in the old days I used to have a lot of time to sit around and type. Not so much anymore, but I still try whenever I can! Below is my Blawg in its entirety imported from my old Blogger site which started way back in 2004.

There’s a Place for Fun in Your Life

Damn right. I was a mall rat pretty early on in life. For an 11-year-old loaner there was really no more satisfying way to spend an afternoon than at Signal Hills Mall on Robert St. in West St. Paul trying out pens in St. Paul Book & Stationery and then heading over to Great American Music to spend as much time as I had left to flip through LPs. The K's were what I'd hit [...]

August 10th, 2016|Categories: Blawg, guitar, Website Updates|Tags: , , |

43th Birthday Jamboree Weekend 2016

Friday night on birthday eve, my favorite drummer from another mother Ethan Meyer took me to see who I consider to be one of the most brilliant comedians of all time, Louis C.K. @ Forest Hills Stadium. 'Twas easily the best comedy show I've seen since the early Mitch Hedberg days at ACME in Minneapolis (no offense Emo Philips, Jake Johannsen, etc). THANK YOU ETHAN!! I KEESE YOU! Early Saturday morn my lovely bride Bryn and I [...]

July 24th, 2016|Categories: Blawg|

That one time 23 years ago when I got to meet KISS

Once upon a time way back in 1993, I got to meet my numero uno rock and roll heroes KISS at the Sam Goody store in the Mall of America, and it was pretty darn awesome - mainly because up until that point they didn't seem human to me. I had about 15 (not 20 as my transcript indicates) years of KISS worship under my belt, and not once did I ever expect an in-person KISS appearance [...]

July 8th, 2016|Categories: Blawg|Tags: , |

“Finnegan” CDs in stock!

For those of you who prefer to buy your music in the tried and true compact disc format, yesterday the USPS stork dropped off a box containing a short run of my "Finnegan" CD containing all original solo acoustic tunes written/performed/recorded by yours truly. Get 'em while they're hot! If you buy the CD you also get a free download of the album. That being said of course there's a digital-only version too for those of you [...]

June 12th, 2016|Categories: finnegan, guitar, Website Updates|Tags: , , |

Airport Song

Ladies and gentlemen: 12 string guitar gawd LEO KOTTKE Every time I go to sweep the dust bunnies out from under our bed I have to take all of the guitar cases out from under it, and every time I do I see a big black case, the contents of which I for some reason forget that I own: a 12 string geetar! As an avid Leo Kottke disciple since the age of probably 12 [...]

May 24th, 2016|Categories: finnegan, guitar, Website Updates|Tags: , |

7 6

When I read that Prince passed away last Thursday I'm sure I had the same reaction as just about everyone else: It's a hoax! Nope. Well we certainly didn't see that one coming, did we? ******* "1999" was the first song of his that I ever heard, sometime in 1982 when the album by that name came out. I'm guessing it was on Twin Cities radio station WLOL. I would sit and listen non-stop and wait for [...]

April 28th, 2016|Categories: finnegan, guitar, Music from Planet Ekim|Tags: , |
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