

Back in the old days I used to have a lot of time to sit around and type. Not so much anymore, but I still try whenever I can! Below is my Blawg in its entirety imported from my old Blogger site which started way back in 2004.

Iced Ink mini-“Spin Cycle” guitar lesson

Iced Ink guitar tabs were requested a few times when we lived in Brooklyn but I never had/made the time or energy. Now that we're living in Minnesota and there’s a lot more of both, here's round one: A few of the main chunks of "Spin Cycle" from the recording of it the band did this past July before Bryn and I moved back to Minneapolis. Another thing I've been wanting to learn forever is how to [...]

November 12th, 2017|Categories: Blawg, guitar|Tags: , , |


It's a rainy crappy weather day in Brooklyn - lots of "skyarrhea" out there as I like to call it. What better time to wrap up a couple of retro synth and guitar solo-drenched Planet Ekim tunes I've been whittling away at over the past few months? VidStar I vividly remember when my pops came home in 1981 or 82 with a doodad called a "VCR" - the model in this advertisement, as a matter of fact: That ad [...]

May 13th, 2017|Categories: Blawg, guitar, Music from Planet Ekim|Tags: , , |

“Spin Cycle” at 18

I vividly remember when the first Iced Ink song "Spin Cycle" (or at least the DNA of it) was born..  it was Friday night in January of 1999 and my significant udder at the time was in Florida. I had the charming old Grand Ave. apartment in St. Paul alllllll to myself for the whole weekend so I did what any party animal would: put on my PJs, cracked open a Diet Coke, busted out my guitar, and sat on the living [...]

January 15th, 2017|Categories: Blawg, guitar|Tags: , |


When you go to work, once you're there do you ever think back on your commute and realize you can barely remember anything about it? Yes? No? I do that a lot...  a dangerous amount of a lot, and refer to it as "cottonhead" because my head spends so much time up in the clouds that even though I'm paying attention to what's going on in real time, I retain very little of it. Technically I should [...]

October 13th, 2016|Categories: Blawg, guitar, Music from Planet Ekim|Tags: , , |

“A Sparkling Shade of Green”

One of my favorite t-shirts is the one Booger wore in Revenge of the Nerds that said HIGH ON STRESS... that would have been the perfect tee for me to wear every day from early 2004 to mid 2005. It was a total roller coaster ride littered with fun things like unemployment, horrible relationship decisions, my cat/muse Devo passing away much too early, and having to move 10 times before all was said and done in November [...]

September 11th, 2016|Categories: Blawg, finnegan, guitar|Tags: , , |

Revisiting the “Dog Seed Shuffle” song & era

What do you do when you're bored out of your mind and going bonkers? If you're me, you pick one of your most difficult songs to play (not to mention longest) that you haven't played in a few years and make a video of yourself playing it, and that I did last week. "Dog Seed Shuffle" was a song I wrote in October of 2005 in my very first apartment that I lived alone in at the [...]

September 6th, 2016|Categories: Blawg, finnegan, guitar|Tags: , |
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